I can't believe how fast the last year has gone! I have six months left of my program until I have a real job. Crazy to think about. This semester has been really good so far, been busy with clinicals, we're doing surgery floors and the ER and ICU. It's been really good. I started an IV!
My parents came down last week and it was SO good to have them here. I love shopping with my mom, getting to know KC's girlfriend better, and hanging out with my family. Always lots of laughs! :)
Other than that, we did volleyball intramurals for girls, and we were awesome. Ha we made it to the championship game! We had to win two games, and we won the first but lost the second. It was a bummer. But now we're doing co-ed volleyball and we've only had one game so far, but it wasn't the greatest. Hopefully things get better! ha We're also on a flag football team for girls and have had two games, losing the first one really bad, but the second game we actually put up a fight. Still learning to play together haha. I had an interception that the next play Whit ran for a touchdown. We're a good team!
I got a plane ticket for Thanksgiving last night (THANK YOU DAD!), and I couldn't be more excited. This was the first summer I didn't get to go home for a few months and it really made me miss everyone and home. And I don't like the fact that my youngest nephew is scared of me and by the time he warms up to me, it's time for me to leave. Hopefully this time he's my buddy for longer.
My friend Javier goes into the MTC in a week and a half, but he gets here next Monday. We are SUPER excited to have him here for a few days before he leaves. He's gonna be a great missionary in Chile.
This is just a random tidbit, on Sunday I was in Relief Society (it's the first hour) and I was having some stomach cramps. I did not feel well at all, and was considering going home. Then the teacher showed this video, and I almost laughed at how directly it related to me at that moment. It definitely hit me, and needless to say I stayed the whole three hours. :) It's really good, and not too long.
Other than that we've just been hanging out, keeping busy and having fun. Nothing too exciting that I can think of, just midterms this week and trying to stay ahead of homework. I am doing well so far! My clinicals are done in a few weeks so I'll have my Fridays free, and my labs on Monday are over next week, so I'll have two days of class a week til the end of the semester, pretty great I think. :) I know this is a super lame post but I never take pictures, (I like to be in them! haha) and Whit always blogs before me and I don't wanna repeat what she says!
Spring Craziness
3 days ago