Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nursing School

I've been trying to get into Nursing at Provo College (which is a branch of Eagle Gate College)and in July they let me know that I was an alternate. There were 7 of us, and only 20 people accepted into the program, so my chances of getting in were slim. I still went to the orientation meeting and have been setting things up to be prepared to start on the 30th of August.

Yesterday afternoon I got a phone call from Eagle Gate College from the Layton campus (I didn't apply there) and they offered me a spot for August. It's about an hour from Provo and so I was kind of hesitant. Not really where I wanted to be, but if it meant I was able to get things started I didn't want to blow it off.

So I went to bed last night not feeling like I was supposed to go. I figured I'd wait and apply for Provo in January and just work for the semester. This morning I got a phone call at 8 from Eagle Gate in Salt Lake,(another place I didn't apply) and they offered me a spot starting on August 30th! I'm soo excited, I go down on Sunday and fill out all the paperwork and meet with everyone to get it all finalized. Things are finally getting started!


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Fifth Grade Dream Come True

I was completely in love with every single boy band when I was younger. I had posters covering every wall, and my binders in school had the band members taped to them. I knew every song by heart and I knew what order each song on every album went. Tonight I got to see Backstreet Boys perform in Wenatchee, and it was one of the most fun nights I have had in a long time.
Whitni, Bronte Toolson, Katie Richardson and Katie Barnes went with me to Red Robin and had dinner, then went to the concert. It was two hours of constant songs. I was in love the whole time, especially with Nick Carter. We were 13 rows back and in the aisle so even the short ones (Whit and I) could see really well. My return to my childhood was a success. :D

My boyfriend :D

Bronte, Katie R., me, Katie B., and Whit