Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I've been super busy with psych clinicals and trying to get paperwork and everything done this last week, which means I am SO ready to go home now. I can't wait to spend the weekend with my family at the England reunion.  Someone asked what we do at our reunions and I told them talk, swim in the lake, and eat. And I get to see Lindsea and have much needed sister bonding time (Kellie included!)

 I met a guy this last weekend who wasn't the coolest, and we had the this conversation. 

DB: So what part of Lake Chelan do you live on?
Me: Manson. 
DB: I totally vacation there! 
Me: Yeah!? It's so pretty, I love it. 
DB: (pulls out his phone and starts showing me pictures of the road up to Antilon, Wapato Point, and finally Blueberry Hills.) Do you know where this is? 
Me: YES!! That is seriously right up the road from my house! 
DB: Ha really? Funny story, as we were driving there we were saying how much we'd hate to live out here. 

Seriously a DB. 

But I am so excited to be going home!!!


  1. What's your name?
    V-I-C Vic. Totally wish I could have been there.
    But I cannot wait to go home! And sorry about stealing your picture idea. :)

  2. He is the reason we still get to live in our small town. Now if we can just get him to not visit we will all be happy!

  3. Ha ha it took me a minute to figure out who DB was... After I read the convo I figured it out real quick! Can't wait to see you!

  4. Modified Lynard Skynard: "DB should remember - a Manson girl don't need him around, any how!"
