Saturday, December 4, 2010

Last Clinical of the Semester!

I'm officially done with clinicals for the semester! I switched with another student because she had military stuff on Saturday so I had to do it. I hate Saturday clinicals! I only had to do a half shift so I was done at noon which was great, and then came home and hung out for a little bit and drove to Salt Lake again with Nick and Whit for the BYU game against Hawaii.  Nick and I got up early on Monday and got us free tickets which ended up being second row right behind the basket. SWEET! So we had KC, TJ, and Uncle Larry sit with us and after we went out to dinner. Oh! Whit and I started planning for Lindsea's bachelorette party, and it's going to be GREAT. My ideas are genius. :) Almost a fifth of the way done with nursing school! YAY!

Nursing School RulesI found this online, and it is SO true.


  1. This bachelorette party will be the best. Can't wait! haha

  2. Glad to hear you are working so hard. Gpa Leo would remind you to "remember who you are and act accordingly".......

  3. Glad to hear you have fun to balance out the work! :)
